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Psychometric Testing Services in Abuja

We are proud to provide services in the areas of personality assessment, IQ testing, emotional intelligence testing and more.


Offering Comprehensive Psychometric Testing at Auramind.

We offer a wide range of psychological and cognitive tests to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, including:

- Personality Assessment: Our team will analyze your personality using a variety of tools, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, and more.

- IQ Testing: We evaluate your intelligence using multiple tests designed to measure verbal, quantitative, spatial, and memory abilities.

- EQ Testing: Series of specialized tests that evaluate your emotional intelligence. These tests are designed to help us determine how well you communicate with others and how well you deal with stress.

- Skills Testing: Finally, we evaluate how quickly you can learn new skills or test the resilience of your existing skills.

Get In Touch Today

For details of how Auramind can provide you with assistance regarding our psychometric testing, please call 0907 777 7921 or click here to book an appointment.

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